National Parks Trust
of the Virgin Islands
The National Parks Trust of The Virgin Islands (NPT) was established under the National Parks Ordinance of 1961 as a statutory body, responsible for parks and protected areas. We are a Board of Directors appointed by the Government of the British Virgin Islands, and collaborate closely with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration and government departments such as Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Town and Country Planning Department.
Over the years the National Parks Trust has grown from a voluntary organisation to one that is now professionally staffed. Our responsibilities have also increased from managing one National Park (Sage Mountain) in 1964 to managing twenty-one National Parks in 2017, and it is anticipated that more parks will be declared in the future.
The Trust’s work also includes Species Restoration, Marine Conservation, Reforestation, Biodiversity Research & Conservation, Environmental Education and Historical Preservation.
Mr. Joseph Reynold O’Neal was the first Chairman of the National Parks Trust, when the first office opened in 1967. For his efforts in conservation in the BVI, the Botanic Gardens are named in his honour.
To preserve and manage designated natural and cultural areas in order to improve the quality of life in the British Virgin Islands.

Keith Grant - Senior Terrestrial Warden
Mr. Keith Grant has worked with the National Parks Trust for over 20 years. As the Senior Terrestrial Warden, he and his team conserve, manage and maintain the terrestrial parks throughout the National Parks and Protected Areas System. They also work along with international partners like KEW to collect scientific specimens, conduct research and monitoring.